fredag 22. februar 2008

Good Ad

No wonder the army gets recruits.

onsdag 13. februar 2008

Tokio Hotel comes to Oslo! OMAGAAAAH!

No I don't like them, I just read something odd in the paper. Why I looked it up? Because of the photo. I mean seriously. What the fuck?

So apparently this blasphemy is heading north, to our glorious hovel (anyone see where that's from?).

What the article said:
They're teenage heroes - What happened to the teenager since I was one? Oh, wait still am. Now I don't want the rest of you to spoil my name as a teenager. Quit liking this band.

The host got a mailstorm of mail from girls who wants to meet the band and how handsome the guys are - At that point I was really surprised: There are guys in this band?! I scrolled up to take another peek at the image. which proved my former assumption to be true, no there are not. In other words, there is a huge amount of lesbians among norwegian teenage girls. Who would have thought?

The Boybands has come again, only in disguise as emotional metal - there it was a again. The male sex involved in this band. I peeked again I could accept the two on the left and right. The second from right - you're an outright shame for humanity. Remove the hat, makeup, your obvious feminity.

And that this is considered metal, along with My Chemical Romance, speaks ill of the future. Can't the females go be female without having to listen to people who make "wannabe-male-music-and-also-want-to-show-of-our-homosexuality."

Wonder why no one gets to meet them backstage? Because only girls want to, what use are girls to them?

What's up with girls and homosexuals anyway?

Editors note:
You probably think I'm a gaybasher by now. I don't really mind homosexuals. But I do mind Tokio Hotel, and in my society, we use words like homosexual to point out that they're probably female. And I do like to make fun of them to, and a lot of other people. It's ok, you can make fun of me too.

Honestly though. I'm sitting in norway and I can see Tokio Hotel's vaginas from here.

torsdag 7. februar 2008


First off, I had the best GunGame round ever, against very good players even :o

And then, Juno, is the second best movie ever. The first being The Anchorman - of course. Go see it. I Am Legend however, didn't live up to the rumours. While yes, it had some really tense and great minutes, it had too much boring in it.

onsdag 30. januar 2008

RFG GunGame Server

So this is fun, I was kicked because I was too good? lulz.

søndag 27. januar 2008

The Golden Compass

I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's great movie, and it really depicts the book after my head. The actors did a great job. Lyra was especially well done by Dakota Richards. Jorek Byrnison is still the favourite character and Daniel Craig really looks like Lord Asriel. As for Nicole Kidman, this is the first time ever I have liked her acting. She aced Mrs. Coulter. Lastly, Scoresby went a up a notch or two in my book.
Other than that, you can't complain on the effects or angles here, these guys know their business. One thing I liked in particular, was the seethrough curtain that separated the different worlds. As this hints at that's how they'll be making their way through the worlds later. Also, the Magisterium, nicely done.
As for the storyline, I liked it. It had it's tense moments, and calm ones without boring anyone. Anyone being me, of course.

And how can you not like a movie with a giant icebear tearing off the jaw of another and slamming a few unfortunates into the floor(ice)?

I do believe that it would be a help if you had read the books however, and gotten familiar with the world.

it's a 5 out of 6 stars at any rate.

mandag 21. januar 2008

CS: Source

I doth climb ever higher on the SCARS server ranking.


lørdag 29. desember 2007

Ever wonder....

Ever wonder why David Eddings is my all time favourite author? Two examples:

"She's intelligent, that's all. It's an uncommon trait in females, but it's not unheard of." -

"You have to be firm with it, it's like a dog or a horse sometimes - or even a woman"

These are found within a hundred pages of each other, and are equally priceless, you'll find many more examples in his books - that don't take it all out on women, some make fun of us men too. I would also state that those who read the sentences here read them out of context. Eddings in fact not a basher or women-hater, just plain hilarious.